Accumulate 【官方网站】大龙湖旅游度假区、大龙湖风景区、徐州大龙湖风景区



Ecological resources of Dalong Lake
Dalong Lake tourist resort is full of green mountains and green water. Dalong Lake wetland, Han culture scenic spot, Xuzhou Museum, Yunlong Lake and Yunlong mountain scenic spot, ancient dwellings in Hubu mountain, Xi Ma Tai, Kuaiya Pavilion, Huilongwo, old Yellow River scenic belt, Huaihai Cultural Expo Park, Olympic Sports Center and other scenic spots are located in it, with beautiful ecology and profound historical and cultural atmosphere. The resort has excellent accommodation conditions. There are more than 15 hotels in the resort, which can provide more than 1000 beds. There are not only star hotels such as Hanyuan Hotel and Jinyi house, but also high-end brands such as Greenland Crown Holiday Hotel and Hilton Hotel. There are business accommodation facilities such as Dalong Lake reception center and Mingshi Hotel, characteristic theme hotels such as banyun Pavilion and Lifeng, seven days hotel and green hotel Haotai and other chain brand hotels and four seasons spring, Little Swan Hotel and other fast hotels can meet the accommodation needs of different groups. Known as the world's first soup, Mashi Street soup, lianglaifeng, sanzhenzhai and other Chinese time-honored brands will make you linger! Old taste, nanxiu beixiong, fengqibazi meat, qinianlu mutton stewed noodles and other local specialties have endless aftertaste! Olympic Sports Center, Huaihai International Expo Center, ecological picking garden, Zhongjun jiuqia health care center and Pengcheng courtyard can provide sports, exhibition, agriculture, health care, cultural and creative services. Dalonghu tourist resort will strive to build a natural oxygen bar in the city, which is an ideal place for your leisure, sightseeing and health experience.